Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Harry Potter and his friends love chess, too!

Here is a very famous chess game!

This is one of the most famous chess games!  Paul Morphy, one of the best chess players in history, played White.  Enjoy! :)

Puzzle of the Day!

It's White's move.  Is Qxg4 a good move?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Puzzle of the Day!

White to move.  Can you find a very strong pin?

Chess game: weak pawns and strong pawns!

If you have time, look at this interesting chess game! It is a very even game for a long time. Then, after many of the pieces are traded, you can see that Black's pawns are stronger than White's pawns. Black won this game!

If you want, you can continue the game. You can play Black and try to checkmate White.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Play chess online!

This is a very good website for playing chess online!


First, choose the computer you want to play with.

Next, choose the level.  Level 1 is easy, because the computer only has pawns and a King!  Level 10 is more difficult, because the computer has all of its pieces!  Don't worry - I think you are good enough to win against the Level 10 computer!

Enjoy!  Remember, the best way to learn chess is to play chess!

Puzzle of the Day!

White to move.  Checkmate in one!


This blog is for my chess students.  I hope you will all enjoy it!

I will post a chess puzzle every day.  I will also post some interesting chess games, chess openings, and other fun things!

Thank you for visiting!
