Monday, September 19, 2011

Mario and his friends love chess, too!

You know Mario and his friends from playing Wii, but did you know they can also play chess? :-)

Puzzle of the Day! (#3)

It's White's move.  Checkmate in one move!

Puzzle of the Day! (#2)

It's White's move.  Is Rh1 a good move?
Click on "comments" to see the answer.

Puzzle of the Day!

It's White's move.  Is Qc7 a good move?  Why or why not?
Click "comments" to see the answer.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Puzzle of the Day!

It's White's move.  White is thinking about attacking the Black Queen with Be3.  Is Be3 a good move?  Why or why not?
Click "comments" for more... :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Puzzle of the Day!

It's Black's move.  What is Black's best move?
If you need help, click on "comments".

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Puzzle of the Day!

It's White's move?  How many checkmates can you find? :-)
Click on "comments" if you want to check your answer...